Wallace and Gromit Wikipedia. Wallace and Gromit is a British clay animation comedy series created by Nick Park of Aardman Animations. The series consists of four short films and a feature length film. The series centres on Wallace, a good natured, eccentric, cheese loving inventor, along with his companion Gromit, a silent yet loyal and intelligent anthropomorphic dog. Wallace was originally voiced by veteran actor Peter Sallis, but as of 2. Ben Whitehead. Gromit remains silent, communicating only through means of facial expressions and body language. Because of their widespread popularity, the characters have been described as positive international icons of both modern British culture and British people in general. BBC News called them some of the best known and best loved stars to come out of the UK. Icons has said they have done more to improve the image of the English world wide than any officially appointed ambassadors. The films have received critical acclaim, with three of the short films, A Grand Day Out 1. The Wrong Trousers 1. A Close Shave 1. Rotten Tomatoes the feature film, Wallace Gromit The Curse of the Were Rabbit 2. The feature film is also the second highest grossing stop motion animated film ever, only behind Chicken Run, another Nick Park creation. Wallace and Gromit spearhead the fundraising for two childrens charities, Wallace Gromits Childrens Foundation, which supports childrens hospices and hospitals in the United Kingdom, and Wallace and Gromits Grand Appeal, the Bristol Childrens Hospital Charity. HistoryeditThe first short film, A Grand Day Out, was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in 1. Creature Comforts, another animated creation of Nick Park. FrwV1d' alt='Wallace And Gromit In `A Matter Of Loaf And Death` Full Movie' title='Wallace And Gromit In `A Matter Of Loaf And Death` Full Movie' />The short films The Wrong Trousers and A Close Shave followed. The full length feature The Curse of the Were Rabbit was released in 2. The latter three each earned Academy Awards. In January 2. 00. Dream. Works and Aardman fell through after only three films, due to creative differences, as well as the box office failure of Flushed Away. Park said later that Dream. Works executives wanted to Americanise the very British Wallace and Gromit after test screenings, which would have tarnished some of the duos nostalgic charm. A Matter of Loaf and Death was Nick Parks first production since the end of the Dream. Works deal. It was the most watched television programme in the UK in 2. A Matter of Loaf and Death won the 2. BAFTA Award for Best Short Animation and was nominated for an Academy Award in 2. In 2. 01. 3, Peter Lord stated that there were no plans at the moment for a new short film, and Nick Park announced in the following year that the declining health of Wallaces voice actor, Peter Sallis, had the possibility of preventing any future films despite the availability of Ben Whitehead. On 4 May 2. Peter Lord stated that more projects with the characters are likely while speaking at an animation event in Stuttgart, Germany. He said, When Nick Parks not drawing cavemen, hes drawing Wallace Gromit. I absolutely assume he will do another, but not a feature. I think he found it was too much. I think he liked the half hour format. The original voice of Wallace, Peter Sallis, died on 2 June 2. With the original voice actor for Wallace gone, this could mean the end of Wallace and Gromit altogether. A_Matter_of_Loaf_and_Death_movie_poster.jpg' alt='Wallace And Gromit In `A Matter Of Loaf And Death` Full Movie' title='Wallace And Gromit In `A Matter Of Loaf And Death` Full Movie' />OvervieweditWallaceeditVoiced by Peter Sallis until 2. Ben Whitehead in 2. Wallace Gromits Grand Adventures and Wallace Gromits Musical Marvels,9 commercials and apps. Wallace can usually be found wearing a white shirt, brown wool trousers, a green knitted pullover, and a red tie. He is best known for his love of cheese, especially Wensleydale,1. His birthday is 7 August. Dit is een lijst met animatiefilms van lange duur, chronologisch gerangschikt. Directed by Steve Box, Nick Park. With Peter Sallis, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph Fiennes, Peter Kay. Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, set out to discover the. Best Picture nominees are announced for The 89th Academy Awards. Oscars. The thought of Lancashire hotpot keeps him going in a crisis. He enjoys tea, and on special occasions a little Bordeaux red. He reads the Morning, Afternoon and Evening Post, and lives at 6. West Wallaby Street, Wigan, along with his dog Gromit. His last name is never given. Wallace is an inveterate inventor, creating elaborate contraptions that often do not work as intended. He is a self proclaimed genius, evident from his exclamation when he discovers Hutchs borrowed skill, a talent for mechanical things. Most of Wallaces inventions look similar to the designs of W. Heath Robinson and Rube Goldberg, and Nick Park has said of Wallace that all his inventions are designed around the principle of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Wallaces official job varies in A Close Shave he is a window washer. In The Curse of the Were Rabbit, Wallace runs a humane pest control service, keeping the captured creatures nearly all of which are rabbits in the basement of his house. In the most recent short, A Matter of Loaf and Death, he is a baker. While he has shown himself to be skilled to some degree in the businesses he creates, an unexpected flaw in the inventions he uses to assist him in his latest venture or simple bad luck often ends up being his downfall. Some of Wallaces contraptions are based on real life inventions. For example, his method of waking up in the morning utilises a bed that tips over to wake up its owner, an invention that was exhibited at The Great Exhibition of 1. Theophilus Carter. He has a kindly nature, and is perhaps a little over optimistic. At times he can be inadvertently selfish and inconsiderate, but has a good heart and always means well. Nick Park, his creator, says Hes a very self contained figure. A very homely sort who doesnt mind the odd adventure. He is loosely based on Nick Parks father,1. Park described in a radio interview as an incurable tinkerer. He described one of his fathers constructions, a combination beach hut and trailer, as having curtains in the windows, bookshelves on the walls, and full sized furniture bolted to the floor. The way he dresses and his passion for cheese is based on an eccentric school teacher. In the first photo shown on The Curse of the Were Rabbit, it was revealed that once, when Gromit was little, Wallace had a full head of hair and a very thick mustache with muttonchops. On the photo that shows Gromits graduation at Dogwarts, he had lost his beard, but still had a little hair, in the form of side burns just above his ears. As shown in The Wrong Trousers, he still uses a hair dryer. In A Matter of Loaf and Death, when Wallace is talking to Gromit, a picture is seen behind Gromit of Wallace with a brown beard and brown hair. Wallace has had three love interests. The first was Wendolene Ramsbottom,1. Wendolene told Wallace that she had a calcium allergy. The second was Lady Tottington in The Curse of the Were Rabbit, whom Wallace fondly calls Totty. In A Matter of Loaf and Death, Wallace becomes engaged to Piella Bakewell,1. He remembers all three though, since in Musical Marvels, after the montage of his three love interests, he refers to them as the ones that got away. Gromit redirects here. For the protective ring, see grommet. For the web browser, see Netscape 5. Gromit is Wallaces pet dog and best friend. Gromit is generally more intelligent, more intuitive, and less naive than Wallace. His birthday is 1. February. 1. 4 Gromit graduated from Dogwarts University Dogwarts being a pun on Hogwarts, the wizard school from the Harry Potter books with a double first in Engineering for Dogs. He likes knitting, playing chess, reading the newspaper, tea and cooking. His prized possessions include his alarm clock, dog bone, brush, and a framed photo of himself with Wallace. He is very handy with electronic equipment and an excellent aeroplane pilot. Though this is not mentioned a lot, according to Wallace or any other person he is a beagle. More often than not, he is seen as a threat to the plans of the various villains he and Wallace have encountered in their adventures. Like his owner, Gromit has a good nature and kind heart he is always looking out for Wallace and others. Wallace and Gromit one man and his dog Michelangelos David is 1. Nick Parks Gromit is 4in. The mouth of David is the most exquisitely modelled in all sculpture, with an upper lip composed of three distinct masses, one on either side springing up to meet the smaller central form like the keystone of an arch. Gromit has no mouth. But there are similarities. Both are unclothed. Both are considered icons of Western culture, in their respective fields. And, just as Michelangelo carved David from a giant block of Carrara marble, releasing the figure as though he were a prisoner held within, so Park kneaded Gromit from a block of Plasticine, one that weighed an imperial ton. As a student at the National Film and Television School, in Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, in 1. Park wrote to Harbutt, the company in Bathampton, near Bath, that had invented non drying clay a century earlier, and asked if he could have some Plasticine free, in return for a credit on the half hour graduation film he was making, A Grand Day Out. They agreed, on condition that I arranged for an enormous block to be collected, he says. It came in 1. 0 colours, one of which was called stone. That was the colour I wanted Gromit to be. I used that same block of Plasticine for years. Gromits master was to be an absent minded inventor and Wensleydale cheese enthusiast called Wallace. Park had a vague idea of what he might look like. He had a clearer idea of what he should sound like Peter Sallis. Park approached the actor, a Londoner who was best known for playing the mild mannered Yorkshireman Cleggy in Last of the Summer Wine, and asked if he might consider doing a voiceover for his student project, adding that he couldnt afford to pay him much 5. To his surprise, Sallis agreed. Not only that, he insisted on doing an audition tape which Park still has somewhere, he thinks. As Park was from Preston, he wanted Wallace to be a Lancastrian rather than a Yorkshireman. Sallis could do only one all purpose Northerner, so he used that and promptly forgot all about the project. Six years later, Park rang him and said, Its finished In the official version of events, Sallis is supposed to have said Oh good. Actually, as he reveals now, what he really said was, F me Sitting together on the sofa, Sallis and Park are an endearing double act. Sallis is 8. 7 and smartly dressed in a brown three piece suit and tie. He calls everyone love, and today is holding a glass of white wine in one hand and a white stick in the other his eyesight has been affected by macular degeneration. Park turns 5. 0 this month and, because he is dressed more casually in an open neck shirt and jeans, Sallis admonishes him for looking scruffy Walt Disney would have worn a tie. Dvd Merry Madagascar Downloads Online. They tease each other affectionately, and when I point out that there is something of the father and son about their relationship, Sallis corrects me Grandfather and grandson. Peters voice has been described as being as welcome as a pair of warm slippers in an uncertain world, Park says, fiddling with the Wallace Gromit models on the table in front of him, a habit of his. Thats why I wanted to use him. Something about the way he said cheeeese gave me the idea that Wallaces mouth should be wider than his face. I had designed Wallace before recording Peter, but he had a much smoother face. Straighter cheeks. I imagine fans are always begging Sallis to do the voice. When Im acting in a play, I do get people shout from the back of theatre, Do No cheese, Gromit Sallis says. I usually oblige. Well, a chap has got to earn a living. If Sallis has Wallaces genial voice, Park has his mannerisms. Perhaps he has grown to resemble his creation, as dog owners come to look like their pets. On the other hand, it might be that his features now tend towards over expression, as a result of years of demonstrating to his team of animators how he wants a characters eyes or face to move. He is softly spoken, unassuming and unaffected by his wealth and fame. Though he has a girlfriend, he has never quite got round to marriage, and material possessions dont seem to interest him much. He drives a 2. 0 year old Volvo estate, and when the Aardman warehouse in Bristol burnt down in 2. Wallace Gromit archive, he was philosophical about it. He said he was always trying to clear out old things anyway besides, there was also an earthquake in Pakistan that week, so you had to keep things in perspective. Park says he always gets stressed out when making his films, because he is not very good at delegating. And such is his diffidence, he says he feels awkward promoting his own films. I would rather people heard about them from their friends. It makes me nervous to talk about them before they come out, in case they dont live up to expectation. Such insecurity seems contrary, coming from a four time Oscar winner, who not only has a CBE the Queen is such a fan that she requested he sit next to her at a Buckingham Palace dinner a couple of years ago but also a gold Blue Peter badge, a prized possession. As a 1. 3 year old he made animated films in his loft using his mothers home movie camera and her cotton bobbins she was a dressmaker, and he also invented things which he sent in to Blue Peter a squeezy bottle that squeezed out different coloured wools, for example. They never quite worked, his inventions. And he says he found the world of animation a perfect compromise because the inventions there were rarely tested by reality. Wallaces best known invention, of course, is a pair of automated trousers. Those and the bed that tips him into them. The inventing habit had partly come from Parks late father, an architectural photographer by trade and an enthusiastic inventor by calling, one who was always tinkering in the garden shed. He would have hare brained schemes such as a trailer cum beach hut. Sometimes, when I am animating Wallace I can see my father there in the eyes. I dont think Park is shy so much as in his own world. You get a strong sense that he takes the modern world on his own terms and at his own pace. Would you like a chocolate biscuit he says, in an unhurried, buttery, soft Northern burr. I just popped out to Tescos for some before you got here. Making A Grand Day Out required patience. In the first year of filming Park had shot only one page of the script. He would probably still be making it now had he not been discovered in 1. Aardman, the animation company that had been established in Bristol a decade earlier by Peter Lord and David Sproxton. Their biggest success at that point had been Morph, the bendy Plasticine character that featured in Tony Harts BBC series Take Hart. In the same year that they took on Park, they also made the celebrated video for Peter Gabriels Sledgehammer. After this, they were commissioned by Channel 4 to animate real conversations. Park had the idea of having animals in the zoo doing the talking most memorably a Brazilian of his acquaintance who was always moaning about how cold it was in London. He became a melancholy lion, lying limply on a branch. The short film was called Creature Comforts, and in 1. Park won his first Oscar for it. Having forgotten to pack a bow tie for the ceremony, he made one out of wrapping paper and Sellotape. His chances of winning were good that year, as A Grand Day Out was also nominated. After this came two more Wallace Gromit half hour films for the BBC, The Wrong Trousers and A Close Shave. They both won Oscars as well. The Hollywood studios, already fizzing about the success of a new wave of computer generated animations from the Disney Pixar studio Toy Story, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, as well as its rival Steven Spielbergs Dream. Works Shrek began a bidding war to collaborate with Aardman. Dream. Works won and flew Park over to California in a private jet.