Free Downloads Berserk: The Golden Age Arc - The Egg Of The King ' title='Free Downloads Berserk: The Golden Age Arc - The Egg Of The King ' />Voyager 1 and 2 both carry a special trinket known as The Golden Record. The 12inch, goldplated copper phonograph records contains a variety of sounds and music. A special sequel anime for Free to screen in Fall 2017. Action Movie Online. The Champions Basketball League, an independent pro league that has repeatedly failed to start its inaugural season after taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of. Im not scared to say it I love a good Subway sandwich. My dad used to take me to the only Subway in town after we went grocery shopping, and I remember tracking. Cheatbook your source for Cheats, Video game Cheat Codes and Game Hints, Walkthroughs, FAQ, Games Trainer, Games Guides, Secrets, cheatsbook. Call of Duty Zombies Tournament Features Four Incredible Players. Hardcore Call of Duty Zombies players showed off impressive speed runs and even broke some records in their quest to compete in a 2. Zombies World Championship this month in Los Angeles. Popular You. Tuber Mcsportzhawk teamed up with 1. P Entertainment to put the championship together, and invited players to compete in online qualifiers in one of four Black Ops III Zombies challenges. All challenges were recorded, and you can watch the winners pull off some pretty incredible feats. The four finalists will be flown to Los Angeles to compete for the 2. August 1. 9. Heres how the preliminaries went down. Player Im. Over. Charged dominated the Origins First Roomchallenge by surviving for 6. Origins map. First Room challenges are tricky because youre limited to basic items within a tiny spawn area, meaning youre left with trash guns and lacking the perks usually desired to achieve high rounds. Origins is probably one of the most interesting First Room challenge maps, because you can complete objectives to obtain items otherwise inaccessible while locked in the starting room, such as the Double Tap perk and an upgraded gun. Zombies also randomly drop Zombie Blood, which automatically disguises players as zombies for a short time to prevent being attacked. Going for 6. 0 rounds without decent guns or even the Juggernog health perk is completely insane, but Im. Over. Charged is no stranger to the First Room challenges. He currently holds three Zombies world records, including the Origins First Room challenge on Black Ops II. For the Verruckt No Jug challenge, no Gobblegums were allowed, and players had to survive as long as they could without the health boost provided by the Juggernog perk. Prior to ZWC, the world record for Verruckt No Jug was only 4. Player Mossy earned his spot in Champs with a whopping 1. This was no easy task because zombies can sponge so many bullets and take you down fast in high rounds. Mossy used electric traps, strategic routes, and a whole lot of patience to beat out the competition, with his winning performance taking 5. Thankfully, you can hit pause and take a break on solo Zombies mode, but thats still a lot of hours spent herding and electrocuting the undead. Mossy currently holds 2. Zombies world records. Player King. Korbs raced through the Revelations map, completing its complex Easter Egg speed run with a time of 4. To put this time in comparison, the 7th through 1. King. Korbs made use of the Anywhere But Here Gobblegum, which lets you randomly teleport to another location. This, too, has a wild element of chance, since you cant choose where you end up. King. Korbs holds 8 Zombies world records, 7 of which are Easter Egg speedruns. The Gorod Krovi. Easter Egg speed run offered the most intensely tight competition, but Maitrash squeezed in at first place with a time of 4. Maitrash also used Anywhere But Here to randomly teleport around the map, his second use of the Gobblegum fortuitiously teleporting him close to the next step in his Easter Egg sequence. Maitrash holds two world records, is the only finalist under the age of 1. France to compete in L. A. later this month. In Los Angeles, each finalist will team up with a popular Zombies You. Tuber to compete live for a share of the prize pool. Mcsportzhawk has also announced everyone who placed in the top ten for each of the four categories will get a free entry into next years Zombies World Championship. S. E. Doster sedoster is an author, artist, and competitive Call of Duty fanatic who enjoys quoting Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Scientists, Artists, and Smash Mouth Tell Us What Music Theyd Send Into Deep Space. On August 2. 0th, 1. NASA launched its Voyager 2 spacecraft from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It followed up with the launch of Voyager 1 just a few weeks later on September 5th. Over the course of their careers, both spacecraft have explored gas giants and their moons, the Kuiper Belt and more, constantly pushing the boundaries of what science and humanity are capable of. Voyager 1 and 2 both carry a special trinket known as The Golden Record. The 1. 2 inch, gold plated copper phonograph records contains a variety of sounds and music selected by astronomer Carl Sagan and his colleagues. The Golden Record was intended to serve as a greeting for any alien life forms who found itan encapsulation of the human experience through sound. While its extremely unlikely that any intelligent life would stumble across a record hurtling through our random corner of spaceor have the equipment to play itits comforting that a piece of humanity is pressing on, somewhere out there in the void. In honor of the 4. Voyager missions, we asked astronomers and space savvy musicians to tell us what music theyd send if NASA hypothetically launched another Golden Record. Some have proposed that NASA beam out a digital Golden Record 2. New Horizons spacecraft in 2. Regrettably, Pitbull did not respond to Gizmodos multiple requests for commentbut these other responses are still very good Michelle Zauner. Philadelphia based musician, Japanese Breakfast outer space electro pop enthusiast. Songs I cant choose one Michael Jackson song. Aint No Mountain High by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell, Mariah Carey, Fantasy, Whitney Houston, I Will Always Love You, Slowdive, Souvlaki Space Station, Bjork, Bachelorette, Kate Bush, Running Up That Hill. Sounds The ocean, rushing water, wind through leaves, Beyonc singing a capella in her dressing room, Stevie Nicks singing a capella in her dressing room, Mariah Careys whistle tone compilation. Matt Russo. Postdoctoral researcher at the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, musician, co founder System SoundsSongs Here comes the sun by The Beatles. Sagan pushed for this to be included on the first Golden Record but EMI held the copyright and refused. Its time to set things right again. Sounds The most self promotional suggestion possible my own sonification of the TRAPPIST 1 planetary system, which shows the connections between orbital dynamics which aliens are surly pros at and the music contained on the record. Id be especially interested in some feedback from the music critics from TRAPPIST 1 but I may not be around long enough to receive it. Also, the gravitational waves emitted by merging black holes, converted into sound. Id imagine that aliens find black holes just as fascinating as we do so lets let them know were hip to the good stuff. Doug Vakoch. Astronomer and president of METI International, an organization that searches for radio signals from advanced extraterrestrial life. As a NASA mission, its understandable that musical selections from the Western classical tradition and the United States were given preference. In a 2. 01. 7 redo, though, we should be more globally inclusive. Rather than trying to get copyright permission for including Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, a request the Beatles turned down in the 1. Golden record. After all, the Beatles have already been sent into space, thanks to NASAs 2. Across the Universe to Polaris, the North Star, to celebrate the agencys 5. Ethan Hein. Doctoral fellow in music education at NYU, adjunct professor of music technology at NYU and Montclair State university, musicianI would probably just cast Thriller in gold and send that. Smash Mouth. Grammy nominated recording artists and noted Sun walking enthusiasts. A rep for the band told Gizmodo They said, All Star and Walkin On The Sun of course. Persepolis Stream there.