Stop Overpacking for Trips With a Luggage AuditMost of us tend to overpack when we travel. You might as well toss in those extra shirts, chargers, and camera gadgets because you never know what you might need, right Of course, you then end up not using half the stuff you bring. Free Download Leo The Lion Movie RottenIf this sounds familiar, consider a luggage audit next time you travel. Traveling light is the way to go if you want to skip baggage fees. Plus, its just easier to getRead more Read. Its way too easy to just unload everything after a trip, forget all about it, then pack the same unused crap on your next vacation. To combat this, try this When you unpack, take a minute to think about each item youre unpacking. Ask yourself a few questions How often did you use this Was it worth bringingFree Download Leo The Lion Movie WikiCan you skip it for the next trip if you need to save space From there, create a skip it list. Make a note of each item you regret packing. Write them down and toss a note inside your luggage. This way, next time you pack for a trip and you want to save space, youll know exactly what you can and should skip. I did this recently after a trip to Europe. Although I packed light, I realized I still packed some things I never used once throughout that week a pair of heels that fancy dinner never came to fruition, a few too many socks I thought it would be colder, and a notebook I overestimated my desire to start a travel journal. Free Download Leo The Lion Movie Based' title='Free Download Leo The Lion Movie Based' />How to Create Burn a Bootable Mac OS X Lion Install DVD. Watch 1,150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors. Watch The Lion Guard: Return Of The Roar Online on this page. To save space on my next trip, I did a quick luggage audit when I got home. When I unpacked, I made a note to skip these unused items on the next journey. Of course, this wont always be possiblemaybe my next journey will be cold and Ill need those extra socksbut it serves as a good reminder of how to pare down your suitcase and stop packing the same stuff you never use.