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Stick insect Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Stick insect Ctenomorphodes chronus. The leaf insect Phyllium. Mating pair of Anisomorpha buprestoides. Stick insects are insects in the order. Phasmatodea or Phasmida. The whole order is camouflaged as either sticks or leaves. Leaf insects are generally the family. Phylliidae. They are found in south and southeast Asia to New Zealand. Over 3,0. 00 species have been described. The name Phasmatodea comes from Ancient Greekphasma, meaning an apparition or phantom. The order has a worldwide distribution, but most species are found in the tropics. These tropic species vary from stick like species to those resembling bark, leaves and even moss or lichen. The stick insect can sometimes reach over 1. Looking for books on Entomology Check our section of free ebooks and guides on Entomology now This page contains list of freely available Ebooks, Online Textbooks. The family Phylliidae often misspelled Phyllidae contains the living true leaf insects or walking leaves, which include some of the most remarkable leaf mimics in. Free Download Insect ' title='Free Download Insect ' />XVIDEOS insect Search, free. XVideos. com the best free porn videos on internet, 100 free. Http Project Gutenberg offers 55,463 free ebooks to download. Download smadav pro, download smadav pro 2016, download smadav gratis, download smadav terbaru full, download smadav pro terbaru, download smadav full, download. The longest is Chans megastick. A few species, such as Carausius morosus, are even able to change their pigmentation to match their surroundings. Many species are wingless, or have reduced wings. Phasmids are herbivorous, feeding mostly on the leaves of trees and shrubse. Their eggs are usually camouflaged, resembling plant seeds, and may remain dormant for a full season or more before hatching. The nymphs are born already closely resembling the adults. Stick insects make rhythmic, repetitive side to side movements. This is like vegetation moving in the wind. Also, the swaying movements may help the insects see objects against the background. Rocking movements by these sedentary sitting insects may replace flying or running as way to define objects in the visual field. Some species of phasmid are able to produce a defensive spray when threatened. The spray contains pungent smelling volatile molecules which the insect gets from its food plant. The spray from one species, Megacrania nigrosulfurea, is even used as a treatment for skin infections by a tribe in Papua New Guinea by virtue of its antibacterial constituents. Mating involves long pairings. A record among insects, the Indian stick insect Necroscia sparaxes was seen coupled for 7. It is not uncommon for this species to assume the mating posture for days or weeks on end, and among some species Diapheromera veliei Walsh and D. Covilleae, pairing has been seen to last three to 1. Explanations for this behaviour range from males guarding their mates against other males, to the view that the pairings are a defensive alliance against predators. They are unusual in that the whole order is camouflaged. They are all mimics of their natural background. Some species such as O. Palophus centaurus are covered in mossy or lichenous outgrowths that supplement their disguise. Some species can change color as their surroundings shift B. T. californica. Many species have a rocking motion, where the body sways from side to side, like leaves or twigs swaying in the breeze. The nocturnal feeding habits of adults also helps them to hide from predators. Once found, they make use of secondary defences. They may play dead. That is called thanatosis. They often use startle displays for defence if discovered and threatened. As a predator approaches, they flash bright colors and make a loud noise. Some species, drop to the undergrowth to escape, and open their wings momentarily during free fall to show bright colors that disappear when the insect lands. Others will maintain their display for up to 2. Some accompany the visual display with noise made by rubbing together parts of the wings or antennae. Some species, such as the young nymphs of E. When threatened, some phasmids have femoral spines on the front legs O. Eurycantha calcarata, Eurycantha horrida, D. D. covilleae. They curl the abdomen upward and repeatedly swinging the legs together, grasping at the threat. If the menace is caught, the spines can draw blood and inflict considerable pain. Noxious chemicals may be used. A number of species have glands at the front which release chemical compounds. These chemicals may give off unpleasant smells or cause a stinging, burning sensation in the eyes and mouth of a predator. Recent research suggests they manufacture their own chemical defense substances. Some species employ a shorter range defensive secretion, where individuals bleed reflexively through the joints of their legs and the seams of the exoskeleton when bothered. The blood contains distasteful additives. Stick insects, like their distant relation the grasshopper, can also discharge the contents of their stomachs through vomiting when harassed, a fluid considered uneatable by some predators. Their natural camouflage can make them extremely difficult to spot. Phasmatodea can be found all over the world in warmer zones, especially the tropics and subtropics. The greatest diversity is found in Southeast Asia and South America, followed by Australia. Phasmids also have a considerable presence in the continental United States, mainly in the Southeast. The main groups are Many stick insects are easy to care for, and make good pets. Almost 3. 00 species have been reared in captivity. Also called phasmids, walking sticks, stick bugs, ghost insects. Bragg P. E. 2. 00. Phasmids of Borneo, Natural History Publications Borneo, Kota Kinabalu. Ganeri, Anita 2. Jungle Animals over 1. Dubai, U. A. E. ISBN 0 7. X. 4. 0. 4. 1. Hoell H. V Doyen J. T. Purcell A. H. 1. 99. 8. Introduction to insect biology and diversity, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0 1. 9 5. 10. ODea J. D. 1. 99. Eine zusatzliche oder alternative Funktion der kryptischen Schaukelbewegung bei Gottesanbeterinnen und Stabschrecken Mantodea, Phasmatodea. Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1. Prescott T J. Bramham O. Zompro S. K. Maciver 2. Actinidine and glucose from the defensive secretion of the stick insect Megacrania nigrosulfurea. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. Sivinski, John 1. Effects of mating on predation in the stick insect Diapheromera veliei Walsh Phasmatodea Heteronemiidae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Bedford, Geoffrey O. Biology and ecology of the Phasmatodea. Annual Review Entomology. Dossey, Aaron 2. Insects and their chemical weaponry new potential for drug discovery. Natural Product Reports Royal Society of Chemistry RSC Publishing2. C0. 05. 31. 9H. PMID 2. ContentArticle. Landing2. Download Dvd Movie Balto III: Wings Of Change on this page. NPC0. 05. 31. 9H. Dossey, Aaron Spencer Walse, James R. Rocca, and Arthur S. Edison 2. 00. 6. Single insect NMR a new tool to probe chemical biodiversity. ACS Chemical Biology. PMID 1. 71. 68. 53. Bragg P. 2. 00. 8. Changes to the PSG Culture List. Phasmid Study Group Newsletter 1.

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